Heart To Heart with Dr. Alduan Tartt is a live, interactive talk program on WCLK from Clark Atlanta University and Verizon Wireless that provides healthy solutions for happy, violence free relationships. The September edition of Heart To Heart is all about what happens when you fight with your spouse, your significant other, even a relative or co-worker. We're not talking actual physical fighting, but the day-to-day bickering, shade and other things we do when we're exasperated with the ones we love or have to see each day.
Dr. Tartt was joined by Marian Woods, an emerging thought leader and seasoned corporate executive with more than twenty-seven years of business experience specializing in the area of Human Resource Management. She and Dr. Tartt talked about how to fight fair and work toward solutions, rather than uneasy silences.

For more information on Verizon Wireless' Hopeline Anti-Domestic Violence initiative, click here.