Hey #UPFRONT Listeners! I have tickets to see the Alliance Theatre production of "Too Heavy for Your Pocket" which is running now through February 26 on the Hertz Stage. I also have tickets for Georgia Ensemble Theatre's production of "Having Our Say, the Delany Sisters' First 100 Years," which is running now through March 5. Simply copy and past either one of the images below to your INSTAGRAM page and tag @RayCornelius and use the following hashtags:
#IWantTooHeavyTickets #AllianceTheatre and #IWantHavingOurSayTickets #GeorgiaEnsembleTheatre #WCLK #UPFRONT
Your name will be placed in a drawing to win tickets and hang out with yours truly at one of the shows this month.

Tickets are limited, so enter NOW and stay close to #UPFRONT and WCLK.com each week for more updates. This contest is brought to you by the Alliance Theatre, the Georgia Ensemble Theatre and your favorite Jazz station, JAZZ 91.9 WCLK!