Make sure you all tune into “UPFRONT Inside Atlanta’s Entertainment Industry.” It airs Saturdays at 9:00 a.m. EST. The September 10 show guests include Filmmaker Phill Branch, who stops by to discuss his new indie project “Searching for Shaniqua." Beyoncé's Fashion Stylist, Ty Hunter is town for his networking event "Let's Talk" and actress and reality star Chyrstale Wilson dishes about her appearance on tonight's season premiere of "Iyanla: Fix My Life." My last guest is singer Phillippia, who joins me in the studio to chat about her new music and her appearance at the Taste of Soul Atlanta Festival which takes place on September 10.
“UPFRONT” takes an in-depth look at Atlanta’s arts and entertainment scene including TV, film, theater, music and more. Each Saturday, I will be conducting one-on-one interviews with all of the major players and the behind-the-scenes influencers that make Atlanta, the new Hollywood South.
“UPFRONT” is sponsored by Life Enrichment Realty.